Harvard Parks, Recreation & Community Education
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Field Reservation Fees

All organizations using Harvard's fields must have, on file at the town hall, an insurance rider naming the Town of Harvard as insured. Programs run by Parks and Recreation that hire an instructor (see #5) are covered by the town's insurance. Fee for the use of Harvard's fields are as follows:

  1. FREE for activity/event that does not charge admission/participation fee involving Harvard Residents (i.e pickup games, charity events, alumni scrimmages,etc).
  2. FREE for Bromfield Sports Teams/Clubs during the normal school season and Summer Captain's practices .
  3. $5/head/season for approved Youth Sports Organizations (HSC, HYL, HYBSA, etc.)
  4. $5/head for short term reservations by small organized groups that do not use an entire facility.
  5. 70/30 split for Summer/School Break Sports Clinics that charge activities fees for participants AND utilize MyRec for registration purposes (ie Jump Start Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee Camp, Youth Track Clinic).
  6. $25/hr ($50/hr for Track) for Summer/School Break Sports Clinics/Camps that charge activities fees for participants but do NOT utilize MyRec for Registration purposes (i.e Challenger Soccer, Friends of Harvard Soccer Clinics, etc). Camps/clinics that fall into this category typically offer less than 5 total sessions or less than 1-2 weeks in duration.
  7. $25/hr ($50/hr for Track) for Non-Residents and/or Adult Organizations that charge their participants membership dues/fees.